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Security Alert: Password Reset Required

This is a security alert for anyone that has set up an account on our website.

It is our responsibility to inform our clients about a potential data breach that may or may not have occurred over the past five months of CloudFlare, one of Outlier’s partners in managing the website.

CloudFlare is a service that we use to provide a fast experience while using the Outlier website. Generally, this is quite secure, but it was revealed yesterday that during a period between October 2016 and February 2017, some data may have leaked between CloudFlare clients. The notice put out by CloudFlare says that there was a one-in-3.3-million chance that data may have been compromised, so the likelihood that your data will have been breached is slim, but we felt that it was important that you were notified. You can read more about the breach here: There has been a serious data leak that affects all Cloudflare customer websites and their site visitors.

As a precaution, we have deactivated all user passwords on the Outlier website to prevent any malicious activity. You can reset your password by following these directions:

  1. Visit the Outlier Reset Password page at (for Canada), or at (for Barbados).
  2. Enter your email address in the box, and click the “Send Reset Password Request” button.
  3. Check your email. You will have received a message with a link in it to reset your password. Click the link.
  4. Enter your new password and click “Reset Password”.

That’s it! Your account will have a new password. You can use this new password to log into your account on Outlier in the future – your old password will no longer work.

As for moving forward, CloudFlare has patched the bug that allowed this to happen, but to be on the safe side, Outlier will be discussing with our technical team as to whether we want to continue our relationship with CloudFlare moving forward. Your security is our first concern and we take everything into account when we make decisions that may affect our clients.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Outlier Team

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